Off Campus Living

Residence Life

Students are expected to represent the University in a positive manner at all times. 符合其使命和公民责任感, the University strives to address the concerns of citizens regarding 亚洲博彩平台排名 students; therefore, living off campus does not circumvent one's responsibility as a member of the 亚洲博彩平台排名 community with the obligation to abide by the student code of conduct.

Those whose behavior is inconsistent with University and community standards are subject to disciplinary action through the student code of conduct process. 罗德岛:罗德岛州, the city of Newport and the towns of Middletown and Portsmouth have laws and ordinances which promote good order in the community. 作为当地社区的居民, students living off campus are bound by these local ordinances and their conduct is to be compatible with those neighborhood ordinances. Consequences for violations may be costly and may result in a permanent criminal record. 学校会及时回应邻居的投诉, 执法人员和社区成员,如有必要, 采取适当的纪律处分.

Being a Good Neighbor

亚洲博彩平台排名 students living off campus must understand and recognize that there are long-time and permanent residents of their neighborhoods, 而学生是临时会员. Families living in Newport have the right to enjoy a reasonable level of peace and quiet. Students are expected to exercise good judgment and be aware of their neighbors' needs.

虽然某些行为可能不违反城市条例或法律, it is important to keep in mind that certain behavior will not be tolerated by the University. Behavior including but not limited to public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, loud music, etc. 不符合大学对好邻居的期望.

Noise: 音乐和一般噪音应始终保持在合理的水平, 并遵守纽波特/米德尔敦的法律和条例. 学生要对客人制造的噪音负责.

汽车及停车场: 学生应遵守所有新港/米德尔敦停车规定. 学生们也应该运用常识. Never obstruct a driveway or street, and never park on someone else's property.

Snow Removal: 作为公寓或房子的居民, students are responsible for snow removal on sidewalks in front of their residence. 注意冬季停车禁令也很重要. See information 亚洲博彩平台排名除雪和停车禁令.

Trash: 学生应遵守所有新港/米德尔敦垃圾清除程序. Students can incur citations and fines by not disposing of their trash properly.

Social host laws: As a social host, one assumes all risks and liabilities associated with state and local laws regarding drinking, age, 在家里招待客人时的噪音和公共安全. Court decisions may hold a host liable for personal injury or property damage caused to a third party as the result of irresponsible service of alcoholic beverages to guests, 如果涉及未成年人,责任就会加重. 了解更多亚洲博彩平台排名社交托管法律的信息.


在找房子的时候,有很多东西是你应该注意的. 有些看得见,有些看不见. How is the plumbing? 你能好好洗个澡吗? 大楼、街道、社区有多吵? 所有的电器都能用吗? 你能调节恒温器还是房东控制它? 是否有足够的绝缘?? 所有的门窗都上了锁吗? 你打算把车停在哪里? 这栋楼有烟雾探测器吗? 一氧化碳探测器?

不,你不需要使用租赁代理. 租赁合同可以直接与房东签订. However, utilizing a rental agent may gain you access to view more listings. Be sure to ask up front if there is any fee associated (often the landlord will pay the fee).

If used responsibility, Craigslist or other listing sites can be useful in finding an apartment. Some safety tips: Never exchange money before viewing the apartment in person. 用可追踪的方式付款(支票、信用卡付款). 永远不要单独去看公寓或见Craigslist上的人.

If you do not have a regular source of income that can provide you with the means to pay your rent, 或者你没有良好的信用记录, 你可能需要一个共同签署人. 学生通常会有他们的父母或监护人为他们共同签名.

If you sign a lease but want to go abroad for a semester or home for the summer and have a 12-month lease, 你可能需要在你离开的时候找一个转租者. The sublettor typically pays the original tenant, who then pays the landlord. 大多数租约禁止未经房东许可的转租, so be sure to check your lease agreement or talk to your landlord before subletting.

If you really need to or want to move out of a leased apartment, you can break the lease. However, you will be responsible for the rent through the lease period unless you find someone to take your place. 一定要仔细阅读你的租约取消政策. Can you be replaced? 不管怎样,你的合同会一直有效吗?

公用事业的费用将根据供热的类型而有所不同, 租约包括哪些内容, 有多少人在使用公用事业, etc. Oil can be quite expensive and the amount needed to heat your apartment will depend on quality of insulation and efficiency of the heating mechanism. 一定要问你的房东或租赁代理亚洲博彩平台排名典型的费用.

Tenants on the same lease are usually “jointly and severally liable” for the unit, 这意味着租约上的每个人都被视为一个实体. 如果一个室友付不起他们的那部分房租, 其他室友负责支付全部租金.

Roommate conflicts are a common occurrence for student and non-student tenants alike. It is a good idea to have conversations and come to an agreement up front about things like cleaning duties, paying bills, guest policies, 噪音和公共空间的使用. 如果你在校外与室友发生冲突, you can seek assistance from the Office of Residence Life or the Dean of Students Office to help mediate a conversation or provide assistance to a roommate who may need support that you cannot provide.

校外学生仍然可以参加校内的活动和项目. Off campus students are encouraged to keep up to date with the 亚洲博彩平台排名 calendar and are encouraged to come back to campus in the evening for events. There are also several spaces on campus deemed “commuter lounges” where students are welcome to hang out in between classes.

为了帮助保护健康, 学生的安全与福利, 邻里居民和财产, 萨尔维里贾纳要求所有学生提交他们的本地地址. At the start of each semester, students must submit/confirm their off campus address. Failure to submit accurate off-campus addresses result in holds being placed on student accounts and hinder the University’s ability to locate students or their roommates in the case of an emergency.

学生可以在租赁协议开始之前到达罗德岛. Unfortunately there is no temporary housing available on campus for this time period, but students can find temporary accommodations such as hotels and Airbnb in and around Newport. 一定要注意到学校和公寓之间的距离, 记下可用的公共交通工具.

Common warning signs of scams or fraud include someone asking you to send money via Western Union, 速汇金卡或预付Visa卡. Another sign could be a landlord asking you to send money immediately without seeing the apartment. For your protection, get everything in writing and do not give out personal banking information over the phone.